The City Executive Board
As the only municipality in Denmark, the City of Aarhus is run by a City Executive Board.
The organisational management of the City of Aarhus is called the City Executive Board and consists of:
- the mayor
- five aldermen who each head a municipal department; unlike the other councillors these aldermen are employed full-time to run the City of Aarhus
- three aldermen who do not head a political department
The City Executive Board prepares the meetings of the City Council and is thus responsible for recommendations to the City Council. The mayor and the five aldermen who head a municipal department have the responsibility for implementing the decisions made by the City Council.
Learn more about the City Council
Like the mayor, the aldermen are elected for the entire election period, i.e. for four years at a time.
What makes the City Executive Board special is that the aldermen are appointed on the basis of the share of votes obtained by each party in the city council election. This means that political disagreements may arise between an alderman and the political majority in the City Council.
Municipal departments:
The Mayor's department is, among other things, responsible for:
- Services for City Council members
- Financing
- HR
- Legal affairs
- IT
- Integration
- Equality
- Business and urban development
Moreover, The Mayor’s Department is in charge of the entire municipal payroll administration, which involves a staff of 95, and the department therefore accounts for approx. 1 per cent of the total municipal workforce.
Most of the employees at The Mayor’s Department work at the City Hall.
Mayor's Department, City Hall, DK-8000 Aarhus C
Phone: +45 89 40 21 00
The area is divided into two administrative units, Department of Social Services and Department of Employment, with one joint group of staff.
The Department of Social Services is responsible for the city's services for:
The disabled
People suffering from mental health problems
People suffering from substance abuse
At-risk adults
Disadvantaged children and young people.
The Department of Employment is responsible for activities targeted at groups of citizens who are outside the labour market or at risk of falling outside the labour market.
These groups include:
Recipients of cash benefits
People who have taken early retirement
Recipients of sickness benefit
Newly arrived refugees and immigrants.
Annette Poulsen, Alderwoman
Department of Social Affairs and Employment
Danish Social Democrats
Telefon: +45 89 40 35 03
Department of Technical Services and Environment has about 1.400 employees, corresponding to 5% of the municipal workforce.
Department of Technical Services and Environment covers a wide range of areas relating to:
- Urban Development
- Planning and Building Regulations
- Waste handling and Heating
- Environmental Issues
- Nature Conservation
- Street and Park maintenance
- Parks and Recreation
- Emergency services
- Infrastructure
The administrative departments are:
- Urban Development & Mobility
- Environment & Energy
- Urban Services
- Finance & Property Management
Nicolaj Bang, Alderman
Technical Services & Environment, City Hall, DK-8000 Aarhus C
Telefon: +45 89 40 23 30
The Department of Culture and Citizens' Services is responsible for a wide range of services and activities within, for example, culture, sports, citizens' services, libraries and music.
The Department of Culture and Citizens’ Services has about 750 employees, corresponding to approx. 3 per cent of the total municipal workforce.
The department covers the following areas:
- Citizens’ Services
- Libraries
- Sport and Leisure
- Culture
- Concert Hall Aarhus
- Aarhus Symphony Orchestra
- Secretariat and Joint functions
Rabih Azad-Ahmad, Alderman
Department of Culture and Citizens’ Services
Danish Social-Liberal Party
In the period from August 26, 2022 to December 31, 2022, Metin Lindved Aydin is alderman for Culture and Citizens' Services, when Rabih Azad-Ahmad is on leave.
Telefon: 89 40 23 80
The Department for Health and Care has about 7,000 employees – or approx. 25% of the municipal workforce – and is responsible for the health and care of the elderly in the City of Aarhus.
The department is, among other things, responsible for:
- Running local residential and activity centres and nursing homes
- Providing care and practical help for all citizens, regardless of age
- Assistive technology for all citizens, regardless of age
- Activities and health-promoting initiatives
- Coordinating and organising health-related tasks throughout the City of Aarhus
- Administration of pensions, housing benefits and personal allowances
- The department is headed by an alderman elected by the City Council.
The administrative head is the director who heads six central departments and two regions, which each cover a number of local residential and activity centres.
Christian Budde, Alderman
Department of Health and Care
The Liberal Party of Denmark
Telefon: +45 89 40 65 00
The Department of Children and Young People has approx. 10.000 employees and is in charge of the municipal services for children aged between 0 and 18.
The services include:
- Daycare institutions
- Childminders
- Schools
- Leisuretime activities
- Child health
The Department of Children and Young People is also in charge of services for parents of children and young people with special needs.
Thomas Medom, Alderman
Department of Children and Young People
Danish Socialist People’s Party
Telefon: +45 89 40 23 51