The City of Aarhus’ integration policy focuses on equal opportunities for all. The goal is inclusive citizenship.
In the coming years, efforts will be made to meet the objective of the integration policy within the following four focus areas: Inclusive citizenship and anti-discrimination, education, employment and housing. Integration should be seen as a joint task for the entire City of Aarhus.
The integration initiatives are based on a number of interrelated elements.
Secondly, as a result of the integration policy it is compulsory to ensure that citizens are involved in all major decisions affecting citizens.
Thirdly, the integration policy operates according to the concept of ‘service differentiation’. Based on the fact that different groups of citizens have different needs, it may be necessary to differentiate the service offered by the municipality.
Developing an understanding of your own culture and that of others through working for inclusive citizenship for the 0 to 18-year-olds.
Initiatives are being launched to ensure a good mix of residents and a holistic approach in local areas.
In the integration policy, the urban community is an important co-player. A collaboration body has therefore been established between the municipality and central players in the city. The Integration Council in Aarhus also provides advice to the municipality on matters relating to integration and has a real influence on City Council decisions.