Are you an International Jobseeker looking for a Job?
If you are an international jobseeker who is:
- Living in Aarhus as an accompanying partner to an international specialist worker; highly educated International job seeker, or repat.
- Not receiving benefits from an unemployment fund (A-kasse), or social security payments.
Then you may be entitled to assistance from the International Employment Unit of the City of Aarhus.
As a part of the Jobcenter we can provide guidance and support in your jobsearch.
We are part of the Business Region Aarhus Program for Accompanying Partners to specialist workers, which seeks to help international accompanying spouses partners on their way into the Danish job market.
You can read more about this program here:
Business Region Aarhus Program for Accompanying Partners
If you would like to learn more, please do not hesitate to write to us at .
We look forward to hearing from you.
Jobcenter Aarhus
Åbningstider og telefontider:
Mandag - fredag kl. 8-15
Torsdag kl. 8-17
Værkmestergade 5
8000 Aarhus C
Telefon: 89 40 68 00